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I read from pictures of your hand or at an online appointment.

My knowledge of palmistry comes from my spirits.

Are you travelling since a while or a young soul? How is your health, how is your constitution?

These and other topics related to work, love and vocation I read from the pictures you send me. I will need five of these in different positions (see small photo). Pay attention to the light when taking photos and let me know if you feel pressure pain in the palm of your hand.

Please send the photos to: You can use for example an easy program on your desktop or your phone.


Because I am not a doctor I give you no medical or health-regarded healing promise. Using my offer is happens in your own responseability. Shamanic practice does not replace a visit at your doctor, but on the contrary recommends it.

My work is not a treatment in the sense of the (german) Non-medical practicioners act. It offers help to selfhealing does not replace a medical diagnosis.


Only for people over 21 years of age.

Palm reading

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    Grundsätzlich erlischt das Widerrufsrecht, wenn die Unternehmerin mit der Vertragserfüllung beginnt (§ 356 Abs. 5 BGB), nachdem die/der Kundin/e dem Beginn der Vertragsausführung vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist ausdrücklich zugestimmt hat (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 1 BGB) und wenn sie/er ihre/seine Kenntnis vom Verlust des Widerrufsrechts bestätigt (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 2 BGB).

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