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My shamanic work roots in the power of norhern european and germanic mythology. Old godesses, Elves, Dvarvs, Treebeings and many other spirits help on my shamanic soul travels to get healing for you. That can be a word, a power transmission, a spell, a clue, a specific action in the here and now, or something else or combinations thereof.


For the Journey i will need your coordinates, so that my spirits will know who this is about. Please type in your full name, birth date and place. I won't trade with this information or use it otherwise.


If you have told me the topic or concern, I will start with a remote cleaning and then call blessing and protection for you and for me and open a sacred space. Then I will travel to my spirits, who will tell me how a spiritual healing path can look like for you. Maybe a power transmission will follow which you might also feel .

Then I travel back, close the sacred space and write down what I was told. This post will then reach you virtually.


If you want you can take a calm time for the duration of the trip, then I will send you the beginning and end as a message on the phone. But you can also continue with your day as you wish.


Because I'm not a doctor, I do not give you any medical or health promises of healing. The use of my offers is at your own risk. Shamanic practice does not replace going to the doctor, but rather recommends it. My work is not a treatment in the sense of the "Heilpraktikergesetz", but offers help for self healing.



  • Stornieren ist nur möglich, wenn ich noch nicht mit der schamanischen Arbeit begonnen habe. Darum schreibe im Fall der Fälle schnell eine Mail an

    Grundsätzlich erlischt das Widerrufsrecht, wenn die Unternehmerin mit der Vertragserfüllung beginnt (§ 356 Abs. 5 BGB), nachdem die/der Kundin/e dem Beginn der Vertragsausführung vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist ausdrücklich zugestimmt hat (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 1 BGB) und wenn sie/er ihre/seine Kenntnis vom Verlust des Widerrufsrechts bestätigt (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 2 BGB).

  • The result is written down by me  and sent by mail or by post.

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