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Runes are old Germanic characters that were used in many ways, mainly for magical purposes and for oracles.

The german word for a character, "Buchstabe" comes from the making of runes. They were carved into small beech sticks. Each rune is assigned a sound, so you can of course also write with them.

On top of that each rune inherits a symbolic word-meaning. HAGALAZ for example stands for "hail", but not for hail allone - a whole world of meaning opens up behind each rune.


Handed down are profane rune carvings in the sense of "XY was here" as well as ceremonial ones, mystic tokens, ambiguous words and much more - the world of the runes is mysterious.


Their meanings are so varied that they are less suitable for getting yes/no answers. So please ask your question accordingly and be prepared that the answer might be of wide scope.


The runes will be cast by using different methods depending on the nature of the question or on specific request.

There is the runecasting, a more open-ended method, suitable for general questions or when it is not entirely clear what the issue is.

And there is the drawing of individual runes according to different laying patterns, which is good for specific questions and precise answers from the otherworld.


For reading i get help from the otherworld. This way you don't depend on my limited rune knowledge and be sure that friendly and well-meaning spirits will let their wisdom speak.


For this i need your full name, birth date and place, so that the spirits know who this is about. Please type in this and your matter right before you order. If you need more space send me a mail.


If you wish, I can also use a celtic plant oracle with detailed cards full of consideration, heart and wisdom - always enriching. Who feels closer to the world of the plants and is seeking the graciousness of nature can find here a truth less rough but deep.


I will send the interpretation by email and also handwritten if requested - wich will take a while.


Because I am not a doctor I give you no medical or health-regarded healing promise. Using my offer is happens in your own responseability. Shamanic practice does not replace a visit at your doctor, but on the contrary recommends it.

My work is not a treatment in the sense of the (german) Non-medical practicioners act. It offers help to selfhealing does not replace a medical diagnosis.

Rune Oracle

  • Eine Stornierung ist nur möglich, wenn ich noch nicht mit der schamanischen Arbeit begonnen habe. Darum bitte schnell eine Mail schreiben an:

    Heilversprechen kann ich nicht geben. Ein Orakel ersetzt nicht den Besuch bei der Ärztin.

    Die Antwort erhältst Du von mir innerhalb eines Tages. In Ausnahmefällen kann es länger dauern, dann gebe ich Bescheid. Briefpost dauert natürlich auch ein wenig länger. 

    Grundsätzlich erlischt das Widerrufsrecht, wenn die Unternehmerin mit der Vertragserfüllung beginnt (§ 356 Abs. 5 BGB), nachdem die/der Kundin/e dem Beginn der Vertragsausführung vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist ausdrücklich zugestimmt hat (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 1 BGB) und wenn sie/er ihre/seine Kenntnis vom Verlust des Widerrufsrechts bestätigt (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 2 BGB).

  • The dispatch takes place by mail, on request also handwritten by post. 

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