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You get a spell or another form of magic from my spirits that i go and ask on a shamanic soul journey.


All topics are welcome. If it is not clear what the problem is or if the topic is vague, we can discuss it together beforehand.


I won't deliver a damaging spell. For example, if the theme is threat and danger, then the spirits may find a protective spell or ban useful.


A spell can be associated with actions in the material world, but also with using special objects, plants, substances and the like. Obtaining these yourself is then part of the magic. However, when I retrieve the spell, I make sure that it is not an illegal, very expensive, or impossible-to-obtain thing.


For this action i need your full name, birth date and place, so that the spirits know who this is about. Please type in these and your matter right before you order. If you need more space please send me a mail.


Because I am not a doctor I give you no medical or health-regarded healing promise. Using my offer is happens in your own responseability. Shamanic practice does not replace a visit at your doctor, but on the contrary recommends it.

My work is not a treatment in the sense of the (german) Non-medical practicioners act. It offers help to selfhealing does not replace a medical diagnosis.


  • Wenn Du stornieren möchtest, dann sende bitte schnell eine Mail an: Die Stornierung ist nur möglich, wenn ich noch nicht mit der schamanischen Arbeit begonnen habe. 

    Grundsätzlich erlischt das Widerrufsrecht, wenn die Unternehmerin mit der Vertragserfüllung beginnt (§ 356 Abs. 5 BGB), nachdem die/der Kundin/e dem Beginn der Vertragsausführung vor Ablauf der Widerrufsfrist ausdrücklich zugestimmt hat (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 1 BGB) und wenn sie/er ihre/seine Kenntnis vom Verlust des Widerrufsrechts bestätigt (§ 356 Abs. 5 Nr. 2 BGB).

  • The retrieved magic will be written down by me and sent with Mail. If you prefer that, I will send you the "Zauber" (magic) handwritten by post. This will then take a while.

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